Our mission is to provide comprehensive and thorough examinations focused on patient care, offering the best options for their well-being. We take pride in creating a caring environment with focused, planned, and directed follow-up care to ensure continuity of care.

“Love Your Skin, Guard Your Glow : Early Detection Is Key.”

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
This therapy involves applying medication to the skin and exposing it to light to destroy sun-damaged cells.
Skin Biopsy: We perform skin biopsies to accurately diagnose suspicious lesions.
Surgery of Skin Cancer and Suspicious Lesions: Our surgical procedures include excision of invasive skin cancer, ensuring optimal outcomes for our patients.
Wound Care and Reviews
We provide comprehensive wound care and regular reviews to ensure proper healing and recovery.
Periodic Skin Checks and Follow-Up
We offer ongoing skin checks and follow-up appointments to monitor patients' skin health.

Thorough Skin Checks
Our clinic specialises in comprehensive head-to-toe skin examinations to detect benign and malignant skin lesions.
Digital Skin Photography
We utilise high-resolution photography to monitor skin lesions for potential progress over time.
Topical Skin Treatment
We offer treatments for sun-damaged skin, which can reduce the risk of skin cancer development.
Total Body Photography
We offer a comprehensive Total Body Photography (TBP) service to aid in the early detection of skin cancer. TBP is a valuable tool that involves taking high-quality, full-body photographs of a patient's skin.
Schedule your appointment
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Schedule your skin cancer screening with SKIN C Skin Cancer Clinic today.